We need to help all young people feel able to understand and discuss the economy around them.
Our vision is a world in which everyone is able to confidently take part in important conversations about their future, regardless of educational background. We're on a mission to make conversation on the economy accessible to everyone.
We think that a basic understanding of the economy should be something every young person gets access to in school. We know from experience that a few very simple sessions can make all the difference between a young person being someone who never engages with the economy in the news and becoming a young adult who feels ready to start and take part in economic conversations that will affect their future.
Our Economic Literacy for Everyone Summit 2018
On 8th October 2018, Economy hosted the first Economic Literacy for Everyone Summit, bringing together public figures, national education bodies and teachers to highlight the importance of economic literacy lessons and programmes being accessible in schools.
During the event young people from a school in Tower Hamlets and an audience of teachers developed a curriculum for economic literacy by discussing which learning objectives and topics they thought should be addressed.
Speakers and organisations highlighting the urgent need for widely available economic education and a recognition of economic literacy included Chief Economist of the Bank of England Andrew Haldane, Rachel Reeves MP, Steve Frampton MBE, the PSHE Association, Association of Citizenship Teaching, Young Enterprise and Young Citizens.
There was a showcase of Economy’s schools resources as well as resources from the Bank of England, Young Citizens and The Economist Educational Foundation.
We also launched our report, The Case for Economic Literacy for Everyone, to provoke and inspire schools to create new economics education!
Read more about economic literacy on our blog charting our progress. and our economic literacy page, where you can download The Case for Economic Literacy for Everyone.

How you can get involved
Help us make this happen by getting your school involved with our work. We work with schools to create exciting ways for students to learn to understand economics in the news, understand the economy, develop their critical thinking and to have confidence taking part in economic conversations.
Sign up to our economic literacy mailing list for updates, join our steering groups and to be the first to hear about our resources.
Bring our programmes and resources to your school
Contact us to ask about bringing our extracurricular course to your school. We are currently seeking partner schools to work with us to trial our PSHE resources and host us to deliver our course.