Image: @annie29 via Twenty20

Covid-19, Young People & Wellbeing [Podcast]



In this episode, we are joined by three brilliant guests to try to understand the effects of COVID-19 on our mental health, and particularly on that of young people. A recent study by the ONS posits that 84 percent of people were worried about the effect the virus is having on their life, while 53 percent said the crisis was affecting their well-being. To quote the most recent issue of the Lancet Psychiatry Journal “Increased social isolation, loneliness, health anxiety, stress, and an economic downturn are a perfect storm to harm people’s mental health and wellbeing.”

Our guests are; Jeremy Sachs is a mental health expert who has a special interest in supporting survivors of trauma as well as adolescent health. Lucy-Paige Willingham is 18 and from London. She has been involved with helping young people with their mental health for 4 years and been an advocate for youth politics for 5 years. Sarah Doherty is a 23-year-old multimedia entrepreneur, who is also the youth leader for a mental health network focusing on children and young people's mental health in a digital world.

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