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Take our survey: How do you feel about economics?

Help us get to know you better + be entered in a prize draw for a free economy tote bag. What's not to love?

You might have noticed we're producing a little less content than we used to. It's because we're having a bit of an existential crisis - the good kind.

For the past year, we've been experimenting with different ways of making economics more engaging, interesting, accessible, and real.

Now, we're looking back at how that's gone - what works, what doesn't, and how to move forward.

As part of that process, we want to find out more about you - how you came to our site, why you came back,  how you feel about economics, and what you'd like to see from us to help make the whole thing a little less dull and a little more real.

The survey should only take a few minutes. You'll also be entered into a prize draw to win one of our highly coveted, ultra fashionable, limited edition tote bags:

We've also launched a Facebook group for you to post about anything you'd like to talk about in relation to the economy (or anything else) - whether it's just a thought or idea you'd like to explore, or an issue you're facing where you think a bit of de-jargoning might help you get to the bottom of it. Our team is in there to answer questions where we can, and we might even produce a feature off the back of a conversation from the group if it looks like there's interest in a topic from lots of people.

Most of all this is about us getting to know you better, and doing our best to make economics more accessible. Get in touch on Facebook, or email, or Twitter, with any ideas or feedback, anytime.

(Have you taken the survey yet? Go go go!)


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