Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Harry and Meghan are setting out their ‘charitable futures’

Does the royals love for charity make up for how much taxpayer money they get?

Meghan Markle and her husband-to-be are considering focusing their charitable fund's attention on combatting youth violence.

What it means: Love them or loathe them, the Royal Family spend millions on charitable causes every year through their charitable trust, The Royal Foundation. Now, Harry and Meghan get to decide what they want to spend their portion of it on, and it looks like youth violence is going to be their prime cause.

They've been hinting around supporting young people for a little while now: just this January, the royal couple dropped by Reprezent FM, a radio station in Brixton which trains young people in media skills.

Usually, work to combat social causes is funded either by , or by philanthropists (i.e. reach people who give money to charity). The royals are a funny mix of both. A lot of taxpayer money goes to the monarchy, which some people resent. But royalists say that not only do the royals bring in money for the country via tourism – they also spend a lot of their income on charity.

The thing is, when campaigns to tackle social issues are tax-funded, it's the voter who decides which causes are most important (by voting for the party whose spending policies you like the most). When it's philanthropy, it's the wealthy who pick their fave causes to fund. So it's less a question of how much money, but more of who has the power to decide where it goes.

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